INDIEGOGOで出資した日本人向けのGPD Pocketが出荷開始、但し出荷に含まれているのはWindows版の模様 #GPD #GPDPocket


INDIEGOGOで出資した日本人向けのGPD Pocketがようやく発送開始となりました。




Dear Backer

Here is the new table of the tracking information for Japanese backer. Please click into the following link to find your tracking number:!FJwA0BhJ!c4WvMi5u1K-2CoKtjvKLB6ZvAFCJBj5GEOEKYV6WqUk


And for all of backers who received the GPD Pocket. If your device have the following issue,please contact to get the fast solution to repair it.

1. The device can’t boot and when plug the original charger and cable,the white led indicator blinking. It is the issue of the battery port of your Pocket is loosed due to the rough shipping process. We are so sorry for that, and will let you know the solution to repair it soon.

2. The device wake up when the lid is fully closed when it already been the sleep mode. It is due to the poor contact of the Hall sensor of the screen. And it is a quite small batch Hall sensor with this issue. So we hope you could return the device to us, we will repair it then send back to you.

We are so sorry for the issue and let you upset. Please be free to contact us. We must will provide the best solution to solve your problem.



今回発送されている分は2017年6月20日発送分となりPledge ID「19539017~19541795」迄の計197名分となります。

Pledge IDとはINDIEGOGOの「View Order Details」に記載されているURLの最後の数字の部分となります。








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